Rubbermaid FastTrack: Ultimate Garage Clutter Solution

The Chaos of Clutter: Transforming Your Garage Space

Let’s face it, your garage has become a black hole for everything from holiday decorations to sports equipment. But what if I told you that with a few simple steps, we could transform that chaotic space into a well-organized haven? That’s where the Rubbermaid FastTrack garage storage system comes into play.

Taking Stock: What’s Lurking in Your Garage?

Before we dive into the solution, take a moment to look around your garage. Chances are, you’ll see items that haven’t been used in years, things you forgot you had, and probably some items that don’t belong there at all. It’s time to declutter and decide what stays and what goes.

Why Clutter Happens: The Psychology of Disorganization

“Before the Great Garage Cleanout | Ugh …” from

Most importantly, understand that clutter isn’t just about being messy, it’s often the result of delayed decisions. Because we’re unsure of what to do with an item, we leave it in the garage “for now.” And before we know it, “for now” becomes forever. Let’s break that cycle.

Rubbermaid FastTrack: Your Strategic Ally Against Mess

Introducing the FastTrack System

Imagine a system that can hold all your tools, sports gear, and gardening supplies, making them easily accessible and off the floor. That’s the Rubbermaid FastTrack. It’s a rail-based storage system that allows you to hang and organize your belongings efficiently.

The beauty of FastTrack is its simplicity and flexibility. You start with the rails, which can be installed on any wall, and then add on a variety of hooks, shelves, and bins that can be moved around to fit your changing needs.

  • Getting Started: First, clear out your garage and categorize your items.
  • Picking Your Panels: Measure your wall space and choose how many FastTrack rails you’ll need.
  • Choosing Accessories: Decide on hooks, shelves, and bins based on what you’re storing.

The Anatomy of a FastTrack Setup

Let’s break down the components. The FastTrack system has a horizontal rail that is the backbone of the setup. From there, you attach various hooks and accessories that hold your items securely. These can range from bike hooks to large wire shelves, all designed to maximize your storage space.

For example:

Imagine you have three bikes taking up floor space. With FastTrack, you can install three bike hooks on the rail and hang each bike vertically. This not only clears floor space but also keeps your bikes in better condition.

Step-by-Step: Installing the FastTrack System

Now that you’re familiar with the components of the FastTrack system, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to the installation. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to set up this system. With a little bit of planning and a few tools, you’ll have your garage organized in no time.

Preparation: Before the FastTrack

Before we start drilling holes, we need to prepare. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • Find your wall studs – the FastTrack needs to be anchored securely.
  • Measure your space – know the length of the rail you’ll be installing.
  • Gather your tools – you’ll need a drill, level, stud finder, screws, and a pencil.

With your tools and measurements in hand, you’re ready to begin the transformation.

Installation: Getting Your FastTrack on Track

Installation is a breeze, but accuracy is key. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use your stud finder to locate and mark the studs along the wall.
  2. Hold the rail against the wall, use a level to make sure it’s straight, and mark the screw holes with your pencil.
  3. Drill pilot holes and then secure the rail to the wall with screws.

And just like that, your FastTrack rail is up and ready for action.

Customized Configurations: Tailoring FastTrack to Your Needs

One of the best features of the FastTrack system is its customizability. Whether you’re storing heavy power tools or light gardening supplies, you can create a setup that works specifically for you.

Accessory Options: Hooks, Bins, and More

FastTrack offers a wide range of accessories that cater to different storage needs:

  • Utility Hooks for cords and hoses
  • Power Tool Holder for drills and saws
  • Wire Baskets for sports equipment and toys
  • Shelves for paint cans and storage boxes

Simply clip these accessories onto the rail and arrange them to your liking. The best part? You can adjust and reorganize them anytime.

Organizing Principles: Zones and Accessibility

When setting up your FastTrack system, think about creating zones for different categories of items. For example:

  • A sports zone with baskets for balls and hooks for rackets
  • A gardening zone with shelves for pots and hooks for tools
  • An automotive zone with bins for car care products and a holder for your extension cord

This zoning approach not only keeps your garage organized but also makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it.

Making the Most of FastTrack: Best Practices

Installing your FastTrack system is just the beginning. To truly benefit from your newly organized space, you need to maintain it. Here’s how:

Maintaining Order: Routine Upkeep With FastTrack

Every so often, take a moment to re-evaluate your garage setup. As your storage needs change, so should your organization system. The FastTrack system’s flexibility means you can easily move hooks and accessories around to accommodate new tools or equipment.

Remember, the goal is to keep the floor clear. So, if you find items creeping back onto the ground, it might be time to reassess and reorganize.

Maximizing Space: Innovative Uses for Your FastTrack System

Beyond the typical uses, the FastTrack system can be adapted for innovative storage solutions. For instance, you can:

With a little creativity, the possibilities are endless. And there you have it, a comprehensive guide to mastering the clutter in your garage with Rubbermaid FastTrack. Your space is now functional, flexible, and most importantly, free of mess.

Maximizing Space: Innovative Uses for Your FastTrack System

Think outside the box—or the bin, in this case. For example, if you’re an avid DIYer, you can use the hooks to create a vertical storage area for lumber or piping. Hang a small basket for safety gear like goggles and ear protection. The FastTrack system is not just about storage, it’s about creating an efficient workflow for your projects.


Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge to overhaul your garage, let’s address some common questions to ensure you’re completely confident in your decision to choose FastTrack.

How much weight can the FastTrack system support?

The FastTrack system is built tough. The rails themselves can handle a substantial amount of weight—up to 1750 pounds when properly installed over stud spacing of 16 inches. Each accessory has its own weight capacity, so be sure to check the specifications for the hooks and shelves you choose.

Can the FastTrack system be installed on any type of wall?

FastTrack is versatile and can be mounted on various wall types, including drywall, studs, or concrete. The key is to ensure that the rails are securely anchored. If you’re mounting on drywall, make sure to use the appropriate anchors and hit the studs for maximum stability.

How customizable is the FastTrack system?

The FastTrack system is highly customizable. With a range of accessories that clip onto the rail, you can mix, match, and move components to suit your evolving needs. Whether you’re hanging bikes, tools, or gardening equipment, you can create a personalized setup that works for you.

Is the FastTrack system suitable for outdoor use?

While FastTrack is primarily designed for indoor use, it can be used in outdoor spaces that are protected from direct exposure to the elements. If you’re considering an outdoor installation, make sure it’s in a covered area like a carport or a shed.

What is the warranty on Rubbermaid FastTrack products?

Rubbermaid stands behind the quality of its FastTrack products with a one-year limited warranty. This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship, giving you peace of mind with your purchase.

And there you have it—a comprehensive guide to decluttering your garage with the Rubbermaid FastTrack system. By following these steps and tips, you can transform your garage from a cluttered catch-all into a well-organized space that serves your needs and simplifies your life. Now, roll up your sleeves and start organizing, your garage makeover awaits!

Key Takeaways:

  • Rubbermaid FastTrack is a customizable garage storage system designed to get clutter off the floor and onto the wall.
  • The system is composed of a wall-mounted rail and various attachable accessories like hooks, bins, and shelves.
  • Installation is straightforward and can be done with basic tools, making it accessible for most homeowners.
  • FastTrack’s versatility allows for tailored configurations to meet individual storage needs and preferences.
  • Proper use and routine maintenance of the FastTrack system will ensure long-term organization and storage efficiency.

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Max Emerald

Max Emerald

My initial goal to transform my cluttered garage into a well organized haven has evolved into a commitment to share all my storage information to the widest audience possible. As i uncover old or new storage solutions, you will be the first to read about it here!

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